

The 2023 International Day of Yoga is being celebrated on Wednesday, June 21. Typically, many different yoga-related events take place throughout that week, and the day itself coincides with Summer Solstice—the first day of summer and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere!

On June 21, I’ll be hosting a free yoga class on the rooftop of 909 Rose Avenue in Pike & Rose. All fitness levels are welcome, and this will be a great day to give yoga a try if you’re a first-timer! Note: Registration is required. Save your spot today! Sign up here.

Some other places to practice yoga in the area:

In the meantime, here is a summer-inspired yoga flow to increase your heart rate, build strength and balance, and help you connect with the spirit of summertime:

  • Take a few rounds of cat/cow to activate your spine. Here’s a video from Yoga Journal that demonstrates how to do it.
  • Take a couple of rounds of Sun Salutation A and/or B 

Then, get into this flow that will generate some heat and get you thinking about summertime:

Chair to Drinking Bird: 5 to 10 rounds

Step back to downward-facing dog. Reach your right foot towards the sky, then, step that foot forward in between your hands. Turn your left toes toward the left side of your mat, externally rotating your left hip. 

Triangle Pose: Hold for 5 breaths, making sure to create space between your side body and your thigh

Pyramid Pose: Hold for 5 breaths, find length in the spine, and breathe into the hamstrings

Transition out of pyramid pose by taking a vinyasa, or transition straight to downward facing dog.

From downward-facing dog, find a high plank.

Shift your weight onto your right side, stacking your left foot on top of your right, and reaching your left arm towards the sky. Alternatively, you can take a supported side plank by first lowering your right knee.

Stay in side plank for 5 breaths. Option: Lift your left leg, flexing your foot as you try to bring it to hip height.

Return to high plank.

Step to the top of your mat. Rise to a standing position.

Root down through the right foot, and bring your left foot to kickstand your right. Find your tree pose, opening up through your left hip. Find an unmoving spot to focus your gaze. Stay here for 5 breaths. Option: Grow your tree by reaching your arms overhead. Challenge your balance by closing your eyes.

Shake out your legs and make your way back to downward-facing dog.

Repeat steps 2-12 on the left side. Note: If you prefer, you can complete step 1 for a second round before transitioning to your left side.

From downward-facing dog, come to a kneeling position.

Thunderbolt Pose: Take 5 slow, deep breaths. 

Transition from thunderbolt to savasana. Stay in savasana for 3-5 minutes. 

By day, Alexis Reed (she/her) is a marketing professional in the DC Metro Area. By night, she is a group fitness instructor, yoga teacher, youth volleyball coach, and healthy lifestyle blogger on Flecks of Lex. She hosts The Sweat Fearlessly Podcast and is Co-Founder of DMV Fitness Fam, a local group that promotes diversity in fitness and the great outdoors. Her philosophy is to “Sweat Fearlessly” – having fun and enjoying fitness without worrying about how you look or what other people may think about you. You can follow Alexis’ daily adventures on her Instagram @flecksoflex.